Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Start at the El Camino trailhead about 90 yards west of the park office at Medina River
Reach the Medina River Overlook and the branch with the Rio Medina Trail. Take the right
(south) leg onto the Rio Medina Trail, which has a gravel surface.
The connector Nogales Trail intersects and ends on the left (north) side of the Rio Medina
Trail. Continue heading east on Rio Medina.
The Olmos Trail intersects and ends on the right (north) side of Rio Medina. Continue
heading west on Rio Medina.
The section of the Rio Medina Trail with the natural surface meets the graveled section
near the path to the river and the interpretive area. Turn right (north) and retrace the path
taken at the beginning of the hike.
The Rio Medina Trail joins the concrete El Camino Trail at the Medina River Overlook.
Continue straight onto the El Camino Trail and backtrack to the trailhead.
Arrive back at the trailhead.
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