Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Hike
There is a park map on the kiosk at the entrance. Information boards near the shelter tell about the
flora, fauna, and geology of the area. Allow extra time to read the information at the numerous inter-
pretive stops and to view the varied small iron sculptures. The sculptures are made from “pre-rusted”
iron, attempting to be less obtrusive to the natural background.
After heading west from the trailhead, almost immediately pass a low stone wall, off the trail and on
the right. Closer inspection reveals that the wall circles the entrance to Cub Cave. This is one of sever-
al karst caves in the region that allow water to flow down through limestone channels to the Edwards
Aquifer. Entry is not permitted. The Edwards Aquifer is the primary source of water for San Antonio.
In about 600 feet (two football fields), reach an interpretive sign, with a schematic for Bear Cave.
The cave is home to a colony of bats living in the “Bat Room,” which is 36 feet in diameter, 26 feet
high, and covered with guano (bat droppings). The cave entrance is surrounded by a low stone wall,
and the entrance proper is covered by a grate, allowing the bats and other wildlife access.
Make a hard right after 0.2 mile, heading north. A gravel road is ahead on the left and blocked by a
gate. Continue north and see some large mansions on the hill ahead and to the left. After 0.3 mile reach
the first of several interpretive stations. This one tells about armadillos, claiming some people eat them
and they taste like pork. Some of the interpretive stations have benches near them.
Bear right (southeast) and follow the trail until it bends sharply to the right and heads south. This
goes past portions of the previous section of trail. Watch for “Swiss cheese” rocks on both sides. These
are rocks with holes in them, resembling Swiss cheese, and can be from fist size to boulder size. Reach
interpretive stations about every 0.1 mile. Most have small iron sculptures placed on top of a rock
Follow Spider's Dare, turning right and then left, heading generally south. Then make a hard left,
going east for a short distance, and then make a hard right, going south. Follow the trail past Cub Cave
and back to the trailhead.
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