Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 3
ES 2.0 Fundamentals
In the previous chapter you learned about the relationship between inputs for game-
play and transformations of OpenGL ES rendered graphics. I discussed the Tank
Fence game and the functioning of GAME MENU application. Finally, we worked out
methods to respond to events fired from button-views and sensors.
Here, in Chapter 3 , we start working on ES 2.0 fundamentals, so we can render graph-
ics using the GPU and resolve hardware accelerated graphic rendering details into a
suitable form to teach the practical usage of OpenGL ES 2.0 API. My focus is on
explaining programmable graphic rendering concepts, such as GLSL , through basic
examples, rather than explaining object-oriented principles for creating an ES 2.0 ap-
plication framework.
EGL on Android
EGL 1 i s an interface between the native windowing system of an OS and the ES 2.0
API. It helps perform various important steps, from setting up a connection with (nat-
ive) display to allowing the use of ES 2.0 functions. Fortunately on Android, most of
the following steps are automatic:
1. EGL initialization , after its connection with the native display
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