Graphics Programs Reference
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you created. The rotation values for the object have been set from the propertiesshelf
(highlighted in yellow border in Figure 4-29 ), so that it becomes (almost) parallel to
the grid surface.
Figure 4-29 . Material context in Properties Window
This object represents the enemy, shown in Figure 2-6. Before making more changes
to this file, select View Top from the 3DView header. This aligns the global axes in
Blender, along with the right handed OpenGL ES coordinate system (Figure 3-17),
making it easy to edit the positions of objects added to the world-space of the 3D
View .
Now, continue editing this file. From the properties shelf , set the location of this ob-
ject to {10.0, 10.0, and 0.0} for X, Y, and Z, respectively. This moves the object near
the top-right corner of the grid. From the Outliner window, double-click the object
label “Cube.” This allows you to rename the object. Set the name to “Enemy,” and
press Enter . Similarly, rename the cascaded label (along small “plus” button) “Cube”
to “Enemy.” Click the “plus” button to reveal the object material.
Expand the Outliner window by dragging the resizable-cursor. This cursor appears
when you position the mouse pointer at the border of any window in Blender. In this
case, expand the left border of the Outliner window. Windows layed above or below
the Outliner window are also expanded. Now, turn your attention to the Properties
window ( Figure 4-29 ).
Material Context
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