Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In order to define access to data, GRC uses the following components:
• A primary data role defines a set of data that satisfies (in most cases)
three conditions:
° The data belongs to a specified module
° The data exists in one or more specified states, such as New ,
In Edit , or Awaiting Approval
° The data is subject to a particular action, for example, Create
or Delete
• A primary data role that supports assessment activities additionally grants
access only to data associated with a specified value for a seeded perspective
called Activity Type .
• A composite data role is a set of primary data roles. It defines the data to
which a user can apply the functionality granted in a job duty role. Users
may create custom perspective data roles , each of which combines a
composite data role with a filter that allows access only to data associated
with a specified perspective value.
In order to combine functionality and data access, GRC uses the following
• A job role comprises a job duty role and a composite data role (or custom
perspective data role)
• Each eGRCM user is assigned one or more job roles
The following figure illustrates the relationships among these components:
Security Component Hierarchy
Duty Role
Job Duty Role
The collection of
functional privileges
need to perform a
certain duties within
a Job.
The functionality and
tasks within EGRCM
that are assigned to
this duty role
The duties of a person
assigned to this Job
role performs
Job Role
Is assigned Job
Roles as their
security access
The functional access
and the data access
for this Job.
Primary Data Role
Data Role
Criteria for which data
is accessible based
on module, state and
state action
Which data a user in
this Job Role has
access to.
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