Database Reference
In-Depth Information
When creating a new Content Type, specify:
Content Code : This is an internal identifier and must be unique
Description : This appears on the menu where users select the attachment
Content Type
Attachments are supporting documents that are associated with objects. You
can attach documents in many formats, including URL references, documents
produced from many popular software applications, or other formats available to
an organization. Examples of an attachment include business process narratives,
business process flow charts, control test instructions, and supporting issue
remediation documentation.
When you specify an attachment, you must choose the following:
• The type of attachment, either a desktop file (a file located on your PC)
or a URL (a link to a website)
• A ilename or URL. If you enter a URL, it must be fully qualiied, for
Updating Lookup tables
Each Regional Compliance Manager has the ability to update lookup types in the
user-defined attributes specific to that region. A lookup table provides a list of values
for a specific type of lookup. Lookup tables are associated with various attributes
across the eGRCM business components. For example, InFission's Compliance PMO
can monitor regional compliance activities by assigning assessment types and survey
types for each regional compliance framework.
In order to update Lookup tables:
From the Navigator , choose Setup and Administration .
In the Administration task list, choose Manage Lookup Tables .
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