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In order to review correlation details, navigate to Investigations | Search | Lists |
Alert . From the Alert section click on Alert Associations .
The detection and correlation engine monitors transactions for suspicious activities.
The detection engine may note a precipitous drop in a position in an account.
This drop may not be outside the normal boundaries of the account holder's
trading pattern.
Scenario modeling : Oracle has developed the sequence matcher, link
analysis, outlier detection, and rule matcher. For instance, Oracle scenario
allows a firm to configure sixty different parameters to look at the rapid
movement of funds through wires. The parameters can be set separately
based on whether the account is new or seasoned, based on risk levels
associated with the account, and with the other parties on the wire.
Case management : Oracle Mantas Case Management is a comprehensive,
enterprise-wide investigations platform. Oracle houses the workflow
and document management needs of investigating a prima facie case of
malfeasance. Alerts track suspicious activity and an alert can be promoted
to a case if deemed worthy of further investigation. The following is a
screenshot from the Case Management capability in Mantas:
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