Database Reference
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Multiple Choice with Other, Please Specify : These are checkboxes that
present multiple options, from which respondents can select multiple
options. One of the options is Other, Please Specify , which includes a text
field where the respondent can enter an alternate choice.
Multiple Choice List Box : A scrolling list box that allows users to select
multiple values.
Rating on a Scale : These are radio buttons that represent a range of values.
For example, if the question is, "How often do you use this tool?". The values
might range from always to never.
Numeric Allocation : This presents multiple options to which the respondent
enters a number to quantify each option for the question. For example, if the
question is, "What percentage of your monthly minutes do you allot for the
following features on your cell phone?", then the answers must be equal to
100 percent. The values might be e-mail, texting, voice, and GPS, and the user
is expected to enter a number for each option.
Open text : This is a textbox into which the respondents can enter
free-form text.
The GRC Manager Survey Tool provides choice sets which contain appropriate
answers to the questions. You can specify an existing choice set or create a new one.
If you choose an existing choice set, you can edit it to suit your needs. For example,
you can select a choice set that contains the values Yes and No , and create your own
value of Maybe , or you could select the choice set of High , Medium , and Low and
delete Medium . You can then save any new combination of answers as another
choice set for use in the future.
Managing survey choice sets
Choice sets are a collection of answers to be used as a shortcut for completing
questions. For example, a choice set could contain the answers: I agree , I Disagree
or High , Medium, Low or Yes , No . The answers could be appropriate for a very
large number of questions. Using choice sets provides reusability of answers as
well as consistent recognition to the same answer across questions.
From the Navigation menu, select the GRC Tools menu and click on the
Manage Survey Choice Sets link.
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