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Fig. 9.37 Temperature
dependence of the observed
( circle ) and corrected ( plus )
magnetic susceptibilities of
8 (a), 9 (b), and 10 (c) and the
Bonner-Fisher fits ( dotted
lines )[ 38 ]. The estimated
impurity Curie spin
contributions are subtracted
in the corrected data
suggests the possibility of a spin-Peierls (SP) transition [ 86 - 94 ]. Ikeuchi and Saito
et al. have reported that, for each compound, a small broad thermal anomaly due to a
spin-Peierls transition was observed around 40 K in the relaxation calorimetry. [ 80 ].
A spin-Peierls system undergoes a phase transition at T sp , where for T < T sp a
temperature-dependent structural dimerization takes place, creating an opening of a
spin gap between the singlet and triplet spin states. To date, numerous spin-Peierls
materials have been reported, as represented by the organic system TTF-CuBDT [ 87 ]
and the inorganic system CuGeO 3 [ 88 , 89 ]. The exchange constants and transition
temperatures are | J |/ k B ¼
77K and T sp ¼
12 K for TTF-CuBDT and | J |/ k B ¼
120 K
a 0 -NaV 2 O 5 wasalsoconsidereda
possible inorganic spin-Peierls system with a large exchange coupling constant of | J |/
k B ¼
and T sp ¼
14 K for CuGeO 3 . On the other hand,
35.3 K [ 90 - 92 ], but more
recent studies have revealed that this phase transition may be a novel cooperative
phase transition associated with valence ordering, lattice dimerization, and spin
gap formation [ 93 , 94 ]. The spin Hamiltonian of the spin-Peierls phase below T sp
may be described by the alternating AF chain:
560 K and a high-transition temperature T c ¼
H ¼ J 0 S½S 2 i S 2 i 1 þgS 2 i S 2 1 :
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