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4 t 2
J ¼
j t U ¼
DE X denote the total energy and the total spin angular momentum
for the spin state X (X
where E X and
broken symmetry low spin (LS) state ( S ¼
0) and high
spin (HS) state ( S ¼
1), respectively). The equation for J values corrects a spin
contamination error in LS state. And n is an occupation number of the highest
occupied natural orbital, which is a magnetic orbital calculated by UB3LYP
method [ 43 ]. From DFT results and above equations, the estimated parameters
are J ¼
975 cm 1 , n ¼
0.226 eV, respectively. A
result of the similar calculation using UBH and HLYP method with a tetra-MM
units model also estimated U ¼
1.268, U ¼
1.68 eV, and t ¼
1.03 eV and t ¼
0.116 eV [ 42 ]. Assuming the
bandwidth W ¼
4 t is valid since the 1D Ni MMX system is 1D strong electron
correlated system, 4 t is 0.904 eV (0.464 eV for the tetramer model). Accordingly,
band energy gap, E g ~ U
4 t is 0.776 eV (0.566 eV for the tetramer model). On
the assumption that the energy difference between the di-MM and tetra-MM
models approximates error limits, the E g is 570-780 meV, which is consistent
with the E opt observed for 7-10. Therefore, the intense absorption band observed
near 650-670 meV has been attributed to the transition from the LH d
* band to
UH d
* band.
9.3.5 Electrical Conductivity
Yamashita et al. have reported that the single crystals of [Ni 2 (MeCS 2 ) 4 I] 1 (7)show
semiconducting behavior with a small activation energy E a of 100-250 meV and a
relatively high conductivity at RT of
10 2 Scm 1
s RT ¼
[ 29 ]. Temperature
dependences of the electrical conductivity
Et (8), n -Pr (9),
n -Bu (10)) are shown in Fig. 9.36 [ 38 ]. The electrical conductivity of 8-10 are
of [Ni 2 (RCS 2 ) 4 I] 1 (R
10 4
Scm 1 at 287 K, respectively, which are oneortwoorderofmagnitudesmaller
than that of 7. The compounds 8-10 show typical semiconducting behavior in the
temperature range measured and the activation energy E a of 8-10 estimated from the
Arrhenius equation, a plot of ln
10 3 Scm 1
10 4 Scm 1
at 290 K, 7.6
at 290 K, and 6.0
vs. T 1 , are 198(1), 143(3), and 339(2) meV,
respectively. These values are relatively close to that of 7 [ 29 ]. 10 satisfies the
relationship of 2 E a ¼ E opt ,where E a is an activation energy estimated by the electrical
conductivity and E opt is the optical band gap, whereas the relationship of 2 E a ¼ E opt
does not hold for 8 and 9. This is presumably attributable to a decrease in the E a by
impurity existing in the sample.
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