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insulator, the intramolecular excitation indicated by the open arrow (the upper
figure of Fig. 7.7a ) corresponds to the lowest excited state |1
with odd-parity.
The in-phase combination of the intermolecular CT excited states indicated by the
broken arrows corresponds to the second lowest excited state |2
with even-parity.
Excited electron and hole occupies the same site in |1
, but the different sites in
forms an exciton with large binding energy due to the large
electron-hole Coulomb attractive interaction and therefore
. State |1
DE is considerably
enhanced. The envelopes of the exciton wave functions are shown in the lower
part of Fig. 7.7a . A large difference in the spatial extensions of |1 > and |2 > is
unfavorable for obtaining a large dipole moment < 1 jxj 2 > .
As for the electronic structure and excited states of 1D Mott insulators, we
consider a single band Hubbard model shown in Fig. 7.7b . It is known that
fundamental electronic properties of CT insulators can be discussed using such a
simplified model. In this model, the electron vacancy (holon) and double electron
occupancy (doublon) are prohibited to stay on the same site. As a result, the odd
excited state |1
correspond, respectively, to the out-
of phase and in-phase combination of the two CT states |R
and the even excited state |2
indicated by
open arrows in the upper part of Fig. 7.7b . When U is much larger than the transfer
energy t , splitting
and |L
should be small and their wave
functions should be similar to each other except for their phases as illustrated in
the lower part of Fig. 7.7b . In this case, a spatial overlap of the wave functions
between |1
DE between |1
and |2
and |2
becomes very large, leading to a large
[ 16 ]. This is
w ð 3 Þ ðo;
the enhancement mechanism of
; oÞ
in 1D Mott insulators.
7.3.2 Third-Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy
jw ð 3 Þ ð
o; o; o; oÞj
spectrum obtained from the reflection-type THG
measurements on a Ni-Br-Br single crystal is shown in Fig. 7.8b [ 11 ]. The
spectrum exhibits a strong enhancement (labeled as A in the figure) when the
photon energy of the incident light is 0.43 eV. This energy corresponds to the 1/3
of the CT transition energy of Ni-Br-Br. Therefore, the enhancement is attributed
to the three-photon resonance to state |1
jw ð 3 Þ ð
spectrum has other two resonant structures, B and C,
which are located at around 0.65 eV and 0.5 eV, respectively. The twice energy of
structure B (~1.3 eV) is close to the CT transition energy (1.27 eV), which is
determined from the
o; o; o; oÞj
e 2 spectrum. Since the ER spectroscopy revealed that even-
parity CT state |2
as mentioned above,
structure B could be assigned to the two-photon resonance to state |2
is close in energy to odd-party CT state |1
e 2 spectrum at 4 K shown in the inset of
Fig. 7.8c gives valuable information [ 11 ]. The
As for the assignment of structure C, the
e 2 spectrum has a weak shoulder
structure at around 1.5 eV, which is equal to the triplicate energy of structure C
(0.5 eV) in Fig. 7.8b . This suggests that structure C would be related to the
three-photon resonance to another odd-parity state |3
located at the higher energy
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