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This also encouraged the authors to monitor chemical changes in
cancerous tissues such as breast cancer tissue, both by Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopic means. Again, the authors first
reported how FTIR and Raman spectroscopy can be used not only to distin-
guish between the types of breast cancer tissue, but the grades of the cancer
tissues can also be precisely classified [32-33]. The authors also reported on
how dietary flavonoids inhibit anticancer effects of a proteasome inhibitor,
bortezomib, and on how Raman spectroscopy can be used for monitoring
the chemical reactions between quercetin and bortezomib (Fi), quercetin and
MG-262 (Fii), and quercetin and boric acid (Fiii,Fiv)  [34]. There is a grow-
ing need to understand spectral data more precisely and accurately, as more
and more researchers across the disciplines are working on spectroscopic
techniques applied to biological molecules. As the biological molecules have
complex structures, it becomes even more difficult to accurately interpret the
spectra of biological molecules. To try and better understand the problem,
the authors published two comprehensive review papers where nearly every
single spectral peak that has been reported for a biological molecule in infra-
red and Raman spectra was listed [1,35].
Further studies can be carried out by using infrared and Raman spectros-
copy to analyse cell lines, investigating differences in testicular cell lines,
stem cells, bone cancers, and other cell lines. The authors firmly believe that
in the near future, both the Raman and infrared spectroscopy will become
the techniques of choice to detect and monitor the progression of cancers
and other diseases and concur with the words of Professor Michael Morris
(University of Michigan, USA) [36]. “You can replace a lot of procedures, a
lot of diagnostics that are out there right now. The big advantage is that it's
non-invasive, pretty fast—much faster than classical procedures—and more
acc u rate.”
To accelerate this concept in becoming a reality, there is a need to define a
clear way forward and form cross-discipline partnerships, ultimately for the
benefit of patients.
Both FTIR and Raman spectroscopic techniques are capable of determining
functional groups and chemical bands of the cells that undergo changes due
to the development processes of different diseases, evaluating the changes
in the proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates due to the disease
process. Cancer cell lines can objectively be analysed using Raman spec-
troscopy. Statistical methods employed seem to be quite effective in dis-
tinguishing between resistant and sensitive cell lines (96-100% accuracy).
Once a spectral database is established and there is good understanding of
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