Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 2 A solar (green) and a lunar (blue) absorption spectrum, both taken on July 21, 2013 with
the FTS in Bremen. Note the better signal-to-noise ratio of the solar spectrum, visible in the
blacked-out regions, e.g. at 5,400 cm 1 . The inset shows some of the CO 2 absorption lines of the
1.6 μ m band
Part of the CO 2 band can be seen in the inset in Fig. 2 . Both spectra have a high
spectral resolution of 0.014 cm 1 in the standard and 0.08 cm 1 in the lunar case,
which allows the analysis of individual spectral lines. The lower resolution enables
a larger number of spectra to be taken during an equal amount of time, to improve
the signal-to-noise ratio. In case of the lunar spectra, 32 spectra were added,
compared to 2 in case of the solar measurements. This results in an overall inte-
gration time per spectrum of 6 min for lunar and 4 min for solar spectra.
4 xCO 2 and xCH 4 from Lunar Absorption Spectroscopy
We now apply the standard TCCON retrieval approach (as described in Sect. 2 )to
the (solar and lunar) spectra taken in Bremen in July 2013, i.e. we calculate for each
spectrum the column averaged dry air mole fraction of the two target gases xCO 2
and xCH 4 .
TheresultscanbeseeninFig. 3 , were values retrieved from solar spectra (green)
cover most of the days and those from lunar spectra cover most of the nights. Shown
are in both cases 30-minute-averages, i.e. arithmetic mean of all measurements within
30 min. The error bars are given by the standard deviation of that half-hourly mean.
Note that the error bars for the solar data are mostly too small to be seen on this scale.
As a
first measure of the precision of the lunar measurements, the mean standard
deviation of the 30 min averages is smaller than 4 ppm for xCO 2 and smaller than
18 ppb in case of xCH 4 . This can be compared to smaller than 0.3 ppm (xCO 2 )and
smaller than 1.4 ppb (XCH 4 ) for the standard TCCON solar measurements.
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