Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 1 Latitude-time cross section of the zonal and monthly mean aerosol extinction for the
wavelength 750 nm at 30 km altitude from August 2002 to April 2012
sequence of enhanced extinctions is also very pronounced in Fig. 2 representing an
altitude-time section, which shows the zonal and monthly average for latitudes
between 5
S. The contour lines of the aerosol extinction indicate a near
biennial variation in the vertical extension of the aerosol layer. As this variation is
fairly regular and does not coincide with volcanic eruption events, it is most likely
explained by atmospheric dynamics. Due to the biennial pattern, it is obvious to
presume the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of the zonal wind in the tropical
stratosphere to be the cause of the aerosol distribution at this altitude. The described
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Fig. 2 Altitude-time cross section of the zonal and monthly mean aerosol extinction for the
wavelength 750 nm averaged between 5
S from August 2002 to April 2012 showing the
variation in the vertical extension of the aerosol layer
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