Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 5 Scatter plots for the six northern high latitude stations. Left panel SCIAMACHY current
V2.9 limb ozone results versus ozone sonde data. Right panel same as the left panel but for the
upcoming SCIAMACHY V3.0 results
les from
SCIAMACHY limb V3.0 data with ozone sonde data at Eureka station for 22
March, 2006. The results are presented in the same way as it was done for the
SCIAMACHY V2.9 results in the left panel of the
The right panel of Fig. 3 shows the comparison of ozone vertical pro
figure. One sees clearly that the
ozone maximum at 17 km observed by the sonde is now captured properly by
SCIAMACHY. Similarly to Figs. 2 and 4 shows the time series of SPO and the
difference between SPOs from SCIAMACHY limb retrieval V3.0 and ozone sonde
data at Eureka station. In comparison to SCIAMACHY V2.9 data, the median
difference is reduced to 5 DU in V3.0. The statistical results for all six northern high
latitude stations for both current and upcoming SCIAMACHY limb retrieval ver-
sions are shown as scatter plots in the left and right panels of Fig. 5 , respectively.
With a higher correlation coef
= 7.4
DU, the SCIAMACHY V3.0 dataset exhibits much better agreement with ozone
sonde data at high latitudes (60
cient of R = 0.94 and smaller deviation of
5 Conclusions
Underestimations of ozone concentrations in the high latitudes lower stratosphere
has been identi
underestimation of the stratospheric column, and in turn, to overestimation of
tropospheric ozone from the limb-nadir technique at these latitudes. The issue has
been resolved by optimizing the SCIAMACHY limb ozone retrieval algorithm. The
solar spectrum is used for the normalization of the limb radiances instead of the
reference TH limb radiance. Due to instrumental issues the used wavelength region
had to be narrowed to the short wavelength wing of the Chappuis absorption band.
As a consequence the triplet method was replaced by the DOAS technique, which
may reduce the unclear instrumental in
ed in the current limb ozone retrieval leading to a signi
uences to the limb retrieval. Six northern
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