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Towards a Better Tropospheric Ozone
Data Product from SCIAMACHY:
Improvements in High Latitude
Stratospheric Ozone
Jia Jia, Annette Ladst
enmayer, Alexei Rozanov
and John P. Burrows
Abstract Tropospheric ozone is a photochemically produced secondary pollutant
and a main component of summer smog. Measurements from the space borne
spectrometer SCIAMACHY are well suited to investigate sources and transport
mechanisms of tropospheric ozone in a global view. Exploiting alternating obser-
vations in limb and nadir modes, the Limb-Nadir Matching technique (LNM) is
used to retrieve global distributions of tropospheric ozone for the entire duration of
the SCIAMACHY mission (Aug. 2002
Apr. 2012). The LNM technique is rather
unique since SCIAMACHY observes the same air mass within 7 min
first in the
limb and then in the nadir viewing modes. As 90 % of atmospheric ozone is located
in the stratosphere, the LNM technique applied to satellite measurements requires
very high accuracy of the input limb and nadir data. Accurate ozone data bases are
not only bene
tting LNM tropospheric ozone retrieval, but also requirements for
ozone trends study as well as the establishment of a long-term essential climate
variable (ecv) data record. This study contributes to the improvement of the quality
of SCIAMACHY limb stratospheric ozone profiles retrieved over the high latitudes
of the Northern Hemisphere, hence improving the accuracy of the tropospheric
ozone retrieval. Furthermore we provide comparisons of partial stratospheric ozone
columns (from 15 to 30 km, referred to as SPO) resulting from SCIAMACHY limb
measurements with ozone sonde data.
Keywords Remote sensing
Tropospheric ozone
Stratospheric ozone
Limb-nadir matching
Satellite instruments
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