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first case high thresholds for the peakiness are necessary to exclude off-nadir leads.
In the second case off-nadir leads cause decreased ice elevations which is shown in
Fig. 4 a for example between 200 and 400 km. In the FYI zone, we do not observe a
similar effect. Figure 2 shows biased waveforms of FYI and MYI. Both are a
composition of an off-nadir lead re
ections from sea ice. The biased
MYI waveform shows a high left-peakiness of 38.7 while the right-peakiness is 5.2
which is close to the value for mean MYI. Here the off-nadir lead seems to dom-
inate the peak power. Thus the waveform is dominated by the off-nadir lead
ection and re
ection and the range is tracked at the leading edge of the lead waveform con-
tribution, resulting in a range bias
d (Fig. 1 b). Considering PPl l and PP r allows us
to characterize waveforms and to identify biased waveforms.
FYI waveforms can exhibit similar shapes and properties as biased MYI. As a
consequence, FYI waveforms might be discarded if they are classi
ed as MYI in
the OSI SAF ice type.
We also note that for FYI we
find fewer outliers than for MYI (Fig. 4 a). We can
speculate that the backscatter from FYI is usually higher than from MYI (Fig. 2 a).
An off-nadir lead re
ection is then in certain cases still distinguishable from the sea-
ice echo as shown in Fig. 2 (green line). We can identify two peaks where the
represents the sea-ice re
ection and the second the off-nadir lead that is well sep-
arated from the ice waveform. Therefore the retracker algorithm captures the
leading edge of the sea-ice echo correctly and hence a range bias does not occur.
Therefore we can use higher thresholds of PPl l and PP r for FYI than for MYI to
avoid discarding FYI waveforms erroneously. However, another reason for fewer
outliers in the FYI zone could be a different pattern and distribution of leads in the
considered FYI area.
The uncertainties of the range retrieval are discussed in more detail in Ricker
et al. ( 2014 ). Besides a bias due to the choice of the retracker, the uncertainty is
dominated by the speckle noise (Laxon et al. 2013 ; Wingham et al. 2006 ) that is
around 0.1 m for a single measurement. Using the OSI SAF ice-type product for the
waveform classi
cation uncertainty (Eastwood 2012 )
and might lead to an underrepresentation of FYI within the MYI zone. Therefore a
combined ice-type classi
cation also induces a classi
cation using the CryoSat-2 waveforms as well as the OSI
SAF ice-type product might be a reasonable approach for the future. The thresholds
in Table 1 for FYI and MYI are empirical and where chosen considering the
distribution of PPl l and PP r
in Fig. 4 b. Valid outliers in Fig. 4 a could not be
ed as biased waveforms and still affect the freeboard retrieval.
5 Conclusion
In this study we present a method to classify CryoSat-2 waveforms using a com-
bination of parameters that characterize the radar echo. We use a left- and right-
peakiness to characterize surface types and to identify waveforms that are biased by
off-nadir-leads. Those waveforms can cause a decrease in surface elevation,
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