HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
14.12 What You Should Know
Adding a touch of style to your site, such as colors, fonts, borders, and so on, is what
CSS is all about. This chapter was designed to introduce the way style sheets work, how
to define different styles for HTML elements, and how to store these styles in a file so
that they can be applied to all the pages in a Web site at once. JavaScript enters the pic-
ture to allow for dynamic enhancement of pages, changing styles on the fly based on
some user interaction. In the next chapter, we will use the W3C DOM to access every
element in a page. With CSS, JavaScript, and the DOM, all of these technologies will be
used together to create DHTML. By now you should know:
1. What cascading means to a style.
2. What a CSS-enhanced browser means.
3. The meaning of a selector and a declaration block.
4. How to group selectors.
5. The syntax for style sheet properties.
6. What units of measurement can be used for fonts and margins.
7. How colors are represented.
8. How to designate one or more fonts.
9. How to align text.
10. What kinds of text decorations are available.
11. How to create a repeating background image.
12. Types of containers and how to set borders and padding.
13. Three types of style sheets.
14. How to use the style attribute.
15. How to store CSS styles in an external file.
16. How to create a class.
17. How to create an id selector.
18. How to override a style.
19. The difference between absolute and relative positioning.
20. What z-index is.
21. What DHTML is.
22. How style sheets are stored in JavaScript.
23. How the style object is used.
24. How to use the className property.
25. How to create a tooltip.
26. How to create a drop-down menu.
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