HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
a popup window, calling a function from a link, submitting a form from a link, and so
on. This chapter focuses on how links are used with images.
As you know, HTML hypertext links are usually created by assigning a Web address
or a file name to the HTML <a href> tag, for example:
<a href="">Go Home</a>
If a JavaScript function is assigned to the <a href> tag, when the user clicks the link,
the function will be executed (see Example 12.4).
<a href="JavaScript:greetings()"><big>Click here for salutations</big>
<a href="JavaScript: function_name(arguments);"> Do Something </a>
And you can use an event handler with a link (see Chapter 13):
<a href="newpage.htm" onClick="newwindow();return false" >Click Here!</A>
<a href=JavaScript: onClick="return handler(arguments)" >
<A HREF="JavaScript:newwindow()" ><IMG SRC="mypic.jpg" border="0"></A>
12.2.1 The JavaScript links Object
Like the form object and image object, the link object is a property of the document
object and gives you access to the hypertext links that have been loaded into a document
(see Figure 12.3). It corresponds to the HTML <a href> tag. As each HTML form is a Java-
Script element of the forms[] array, and each image is assigned to the images[] array, so
each link is assigned to the links[] array in the order in which the link appears within
the document.
Figure 12.3 Document object and links.
The first link would be represented as document.links[0] . The properties for the links
object are shown in Tables 12.3 and 12.4. 3 There are no common methods for the links
3. These properties are common to both Netscape and Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer, however, sup-
ports many more than are listed here.
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