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if( tale.hasOwnProperty("author") ){
document.write("The object has an author property.<br />");
if( Book.prototype.isPrototypeOf(tale) ){
document.write("Book is a prototype of object tale.<br />");
if( tale instanceof Book ){
document.write("tale is an instance of Book.<br />");
if( tale instanceof Object ){
document.write("tale is an instance of Object.<br />");
1 The constructor function called Book defines the properties and methods for a
Book class.
2 The Book class starts with an empty prototype object. Now we assign it a property.
The publisher property and its value are available to all Book objects.
3 By assigning a property to the Object object's prototype, all instances of the Book
class (or any class) will have access to the category property.
4 A ew i t e f t e k l s is t , a f e to n j t ll d tale .
The value of the Object object's prototype property, category , is displayed.
The constructor property is inherited from the Object object and can be used with
any of its descendants. This line tests if this object has a constructor. It does, so
the block is entered.
The value assigned to the constructor property is the constructor function and the
names of all of its arguments and properties.
The hasOwnProperty() method returns true if the property (its argument) belongs
to the object being tested; in this case the object is tale and the method is checking
to see if the author property belongs to it and is not inherited from the prototype
Next we test to see if the tale object is inheriting from the Book class; that is, Book
is a prototype for the tale class.
The instanceof operator returns true if the specified object, tale, is of the specified
object type; that is, tale is a Book type.
The instanceof operator returns true if the specified object, tale , is of the specified
object type; that is, tale is also an Object type. The output is shown in Figure 8.18.
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