Graphics Reference
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For Your Information: Tagging Text for Export to Flash
You can export text from Illustrator to text in Flash as a static, dynamic, or
input text. Before you export the text, you need to tag the text first. By de-
fault, text is set to static, which is converted to regular text in Flash. Dy-
namic and input text have similar properties in Flash and Illustrator, which
you can update and edit. To tag text in Illustrator, select a text object, click
Flash Text on the Control panel, click the Type list arrow, and then click
Static Text, Dynamic Text, or Input Text. Enter an optional instance name,
specify a Rendering Type, and then select text options: Selectable, Show
Border Around Text, and Edit Character Options. For dynamic text, you can
specify a URL and target. For input text, you can specify a maximum num-
ber of characters.
Specify the following options:
Clip to Artboard Size. Select to export only objects within an artboard.
Preserve Appearance. Select to flatten artwork to a single layer.
Compress File. Select to compress the SWF file.
Include Unused Symbols. Select to export all unused symbols.
Export Text as Outlines. Select to convert type to vector paths.
Ignore Kerning Information for Text. Select to export text without kerning.
Include Metadata. Select to export metadata with the file.
Protect from Import. Select to prevent changes to the SWF.
Password. Select to protect the file with a password.
Curve Quality. Select a number for Bezier curve accuracy. The higher the
number, the more accurate.
Background Color. Specify a background color for the file.
Local Playback Security. Specify whether you want to access only local file
or network files.
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