Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Did You Know?
You can restore a traced graphic back to its original state. Select the
traced object, click the Object menu, point to Image Trace, and then
click Release.
Adjusting Tracing Options
After you create an image trace, you can use the Image Trace panel to make adjustments.
The Image Trace panel ( New ! ) provides a set of simple standard options and a set of ad-
vanced options. With the Preview option set, Image Tracing options are live, which means
thatIllustratorappliesanoptionchangerightafteryoumakeit,whichcansometimes slow
down your work efficiently. When Illustrator applies a change, a progress bar appears,
which you can always stop if it takes too long. If you don't like an image tracing option
that is applied to the graphic, you can undo it.
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