Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Did You Know?
You can average the position of anchor points. Select the anchor
points you want with the Direct Selection tool, click the Object menu,
point to Path, click Average, click the Horizontal (x axis), Vertical (y
axis) or Both option, and then click OK.
Converting Points
When you create a curve with the Pen tool, the curve segment after the second anchor
point appears on the opposite side as the first curve segment. If you want the second curve
segment to appear on the same side as the first, you need to convert the anchor point from
a smooth point to a corner point. You can make this conversion as you create the curve
segment with the Pen tool or you can do it later with buttons on the Control panel or with
the Convert Anchor Point tool.
Convert Points on a Path Using the Control Panel
Select the Direct Selection tool on the Tools panel.
Click the point that you want to convert.
Click one of these buttons on the Control panel:
Convert to Corner. Click the Convert Selected Anchor Points to Corner
Convert to Smooth. Click the Convert Selected Anchor Points to Smooth
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