Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Reverse Color Direction. Drag the diamond icon on the object in the oppos-
ite direction.
Change Radial Center. Drag the small circle attached to the larger circle on
the object.
Change Linear Angle. Alt+drag (Win) or Option+drag (Mac) the diamond
icon to another angle.
Change Color Stops. Click below the spectrum line to add, drag to move,
and drag away to remove color stops.
Change Transparency. Double-click a color stop on the object, and then spe-
cify an Opacity value in the Gradient panel.
Creating a Gradient Mesh
A mesh object is a multicolored gradient type object that allows colors to flow in different
directions and transitions from one point to another. A mesh object uses mesh lines (like a
grid) to make it easier for you to modify color flow, transitions, intensity, and opacity. The
points in the grid are called mesh points (diamonds). Mesh points are like anchor points,
except you can assign color and transparency to them. The area between four mesh points
is a mesh patch for which you can modify the color and transparency. You can create two
types of mesh objects: one with an irregular pattern of mesh points or one with a regular
pattern of mesh points.
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