Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
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You can reposition a pattern fill. To reposition the pattern fill or
stroke in an object without moving the object, select the Selection tool,
hold down ~ (tilde) and drag inside the object.
You can expand a pattern into individual objects. Select the object
with the pattern, click the Object menu, click Expand, select the Fill
check box and/or the Stroke check box, and then click OK.
Blending Fill Colors
The Edit Color submenu allows you to blend fill colors for three or more objects. The
more objects that you select, the more gradual the color blend. Stroke colors and attributes
remain the same. Illustrator takes the objects on the edges (front and back, left and right,
and top and bottom) as the starting and ending colors in the blend. All objects in between
the starting and ending ones are intermediate blends.
Blend Fill Colors
Select three or more objects that contain fill colors.
• The objects cannot contain global process colors, patterns, or gradients.
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