Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Did You Know?
You can access your customized swatches from the Swatch Libraries
menu. When you save swatches in the Color Swatches folder (default
location), your customized swatches appear on the User Defined sub-
menu on the Swatch Libraries menu.
Adding Colors Using the Kuler Panel
The Kuler panel is an extension to Illustrator that allows you to use groups of color, or
themes in your projects. You can use the panel to browse thousands of color themes from
the Kuler community. After you find the theme you want, you can add it to the Swatches
panel for use in your project. You can access the Kuler panel by using the Extensions sub-
menu on the Window menu. The Kuler panel is also available in Photoshop, InDesign,
Flash, and Fireworks. In many of these programs, you can also create your own theme
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