Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Delete Anchor Points. For a mesh grid, select the Selection or Mesh tool, se-
lect an anchor point, and then press Delete.
Add Anchor Points. For mesh grid, select the Mesh tool, and then click on
the grid.
Set Envelope Options
Click the Object menu, point to Envelope Distort , and then click Envelope Op-
tions .
To set options for an object, select one or more objects to reshape.
Do any of the following:
Anti-Alias. Select to smooth rasterized images when distorted with an envel-
Preserve Shape Using. Select the option to specify how to rasterized images
preserve their shape when distorted by nonrectangular envelopes. Use a clip-
ping mask on the raster image or apply an alpha channel (transparency) to the
raster image.
Fidelity. Drag the slider or enter a number to specify how you want to fit the
envelope mold.
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