Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
For Your Information: Repeating a Transformation
The Transform Again command allows you to quickly repeat the last trans-
formation with the last-used values on a selected object. To use the com-
mand, transform and select an object or group, click the Object menu, point
to Transform, and then click Transform Again or press Ctrl+D (Win) or
+D (Mac).
Reshaping Objects with Envelopes
Envelopes are objects you can use to reshape other objects, except graphs, guides, or
linked objects. You can use one of the built-in envelopes or create your own out of an ex-
isting object. The built-in envelopes use warp shapes or a mesh grid as the object. After
you apply an envelope, you can edit the original object or the envelope (anchor points),
separately, using the Selection and Mesh tools on the Tools panel. In addition, you can
specify envelope options to determine how objects are distorted to fit the envelope.
Distort Objects with an Envelope
Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.
Select one or more objects to reshape.
Click the Object menu, point to Envelope Distort , and then click one of the fol-
Make With Warp. Uses a preset warp shape.
Make with Mesh. Uses a rectangle grid.
Make With Top Object. Uses an object as the shape of the envelope. The ob-
ject needs to be at the top of the stacking order.
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