Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Did You Know?
You can quickly access the Hand tool whenever you need it. Hold
down the Spacebar to temporarily change to the Hand tool. Drag in the
active document to the desired position, and then release the Spacebar.
You're instantly returned to the last-used tool. It's important to note
that you cannot use the Spacebar to access the Hand tool if you are
currently using the Type tool.
You can move more quickly between tools using Spring-loaded keys.
Rather than go back to the Tools panel when you want to switch tools,
just hold down the shortcut letter key for the new tool, use the tool,
and then let go of the shortcut key and you'll be back using the first
Using Crop Marks
Crop marks (also known as trim marks) indicate where you want a printer to cut the prin-
ted page. They are printed with black registration lines so when separations are printed,
the printer can align the pages. You can create and display multiple crop marks, which are
also useful for trimming or aligning objects on an artboard or exporting them to another
program. You can create crop marks as noneditable live effects or editable ones you can
adjust and format. If you no longer need or want crop marks, you can delete them. You
can delete live effect crop marks by selecting Crop Marks in the Appearance panel and
using the Delete Selected Item button at the bottom of the panel. You can also delete ed-
itable crop marks by using the crop marks with the Selection tool and pressing the Delete
key. Crop marks do not replace trim marks created with the Marks & Bleed options in the
Print dialog box.
Create and Delete Crop Marks as Live Effects Around an Object
Select one or more objects.
Click the Effect menu, and then click Crop Marks .
To delete crop marks, select Crop Marks in the Appearance Panel, and then click
the Delete Selected Item button.
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