Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
It's prime time for surfing on both Pacific and Caribbean swells. High sea-
son is winding down. Events related to the religious calendar may take
place in February or March.
On the four days preceding Ash Wednesday, general merriment prevails in Panama City
and on the PenĂ­nsula de Azuero. This anything-goes, multi-event period features street
parades, water fights, costumes and live music til the wee hours. ( Click here )
Festival de Diablos y Congos
Held every other year, this Congo festival celebrates rebellious slave ancestors with spir-
ited public dancing featuring beautiful masks and costumes. Participants assume the role
of escaped slaves and take captives on the street. ( Click here )
Semana Santa
During Holy Week (the week before Easter), the country hosts many special events, in-
cluding a re- enactment of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. On Good Friday, re-
ligious processions are held across the country.
With sporadic, refreshing rain showers, the weather is generally pleasant
throughout the country. May begins a five- to six-month nesting season for
both loggerhead and green sea turtles on the Caribbean coast.
Feria de Azuero
Held late April or early May, this rural festival in the historic colonial town of Villa de
los Santos features singing competitions, folk dancing and the quaint attractions of a rur-
al agricultural fair.
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