Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Parque Arqueológico del Caño (adult/child US$1/0.50; 9am-noon & 12:30pm-4pm Tue-
Sat, 9am-1pm Sun) is perhaps the best place in Panama to get a sense of the nation's indi-
genous traditions. A small museum contains pottery, arrowheads and carved stones from
a culture that lived in El Caño about 1500 years ago. Other attractions include dozens of
stone columns and an excavation pit , which contains a burial site where five skeletons
remain intact.
The turnoff for the town of El Caño is about 8km north of Natá on the Interamericana.
The park is another 3km down an occasionally mud-slicked road. El Caño is not served
by bus, but you can take a taxi here from Natá.
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