Travel Reference
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rural parts of Panama, and it's not uncommon for political contenders to don hats
to appear as 'one of the people.'
Penonomé is known throughout Panama as the place to buy the hats that bear
the country's name. The highest-quality Penonomé hats are so tightly put together
that they can hold water - prices range from US$15 up to US$150. Hat vendors
stand outside stores and restaurants near the gas station by the entrance to town.
You can also try Mercado de Artesanías Coclé OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP (
8am-4pm) at the eastern end of town and Mercado de Artesanías La Pintada in the
nearby town of La Pintada.
Sleeping & Eating
Hotel La Pradera HOTEL $
( 997-0106;; Interamericana; d/tw US$44/55; ) This
newish yellow colonial feels ritzy for Penonomé, and it is undoubtedly the best value of
the budget options. Smart earth-tone rooms include built-in cabinets, cable TV, a lounge
chair and desk.
Hotel Dos Continentes HOTEL $
( 997-9326; Interamericana; d/tr US$30/43; ) Near the the Interamericana fork,
this sprawling hotel is secure and spacious. Rooms are worn but serviceable, with ironed
sheets. Ask for a room in the back for considerably less street noise. The immaculate
onsite restaurant is popular for cheap and cheerful típico (US$5); natives swear its fried
chicken is the best in Panama.
Ederra SPANISH $
(Cañas y Tapas; mains US$3-10; 4pm-12:30am) One of those great provincial hangouts that
you're happy to stumble upon, Basque-owned Ederra has a warm spirit. Tapas such as
ham croquettes or chorizo served with wine are a highlight. The paella Costa Brava also
comes recommended. Decor features local art and a bamboo bar. It's in a small shopping
plaza a few blocks behind the Hotel Dos Continentes.
Mercado Público MARKET $
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