Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The most difficult situation occurs in the case of old buildings, which
require complete restoration. For instance in France, two-thirds of dwell-
ings were built before 1975, in the absence of any thermal regulation. The
energy restorationof these buildings is presentlyoftendifficult as a result of
the complexity of decision making (especially in the case of joint owner-
ship), and the lack of the required expertise to carry out the work. It is
thereforemost important todeploy the incentives and regulatorymeasures
which are needed to make the renovation of such buildings easier.
The introductionofenergyqualitylabelsandenergydiagnosisrepresents
a first step, leading to the implementation of the required transformations.
A well adapted regulation is clearly a prerequisite, even though in the
long term such an investment should be profitable for the final user, due to
the probable increase of the energy price.
Reduction of energy consumption in the transport
An initial way to limit CO 2 emissions resulting fromautomotive transport
is to limit the use of passenger cars, by changing consumer behaviour and
habits (car sharing, increased use of collective transport means, and
cycling and walking instead of driving). In the case of goods transporta-
tion, besides giving a preference to local products, alternative transporta-
tion means, by rail or barge, are to be favoured.
In order to limit the consumption of engine fuels derived from oil, it is
also necessary to reduce the consumption of vehicles per unit distance
covered. Such a reduction of the consumption can be achieved through
two complementary pathways:
. Reduction of the energy required for moving a vehicle. The quantity
of energy needed to move a car can be reduced by limiting its weight
and by friction losses [45]. Unfortunately, recent developments have
gone in the opposite direction in order to meet the various expecta-
tions of consumers (increased comfort and security).
Improving the efficiency of the power train. Themainproblemarises
fromthe difficulty in combininga further increase of the efficiencywith
more and more stringent regulations concerning pollutant emissions.
Different technologies are investigated. In the case of a spark ignition
engine, these include mainly 'downsizing' with turbo-charge of the
engine, stratified combustion combined with gasoline direct injection and
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