Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.2 Trend in atmospheric CO 2 content (
: IPCC reports)
interval observed during previous geological eras. If the trend continues,
the atmospheric CO 2 content could double by the end of the century,
reaching a value of 750 ppm, and possibly exceeding 1000 ppm, causing
disastrous climate transformations.
According to the models produced, the average temperature increase
could reach 2-4 C by the end of the century, possibly even 6 C [9-12],
while an increase of more than 2 C is considered unbearable.
Symptoms of climate change
The last decades have witnessed various symptoms of climate change:
. Generalised retreat of glaciers throughout the world
. The retreat is
generalised in Europe and also in North and South America and
Africa. The legendary snows of Kilimanjaro are now melting. The
glaciers in the Andes and in the RockyMountains are also retreating.
Rapid progress affects the Arctic ice. The ice pack has receded
considerably and the thickness of the polar ice cap has shrunk 40% in
about thirty years, from an average of 3.1m to 1.8m. By the end of
the century, Arctic ice could melt completely in summer.
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