Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
[84] Marie-Fran¸oise Chabrelie,
L'industrie gaziere a l'horizon 2020
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[85] Marie-Fran¸oise Chabrelie,
Le GNL, une commodite en devenir
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[86] Groupe de travail
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Charbon propre: mythe ou realite
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[87] Jean-Marie Amouroux,
Charbon chinois et developpement durable
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[88] Yves Bamberger, Bernard Rogeaux,
Quelles solutions des industriels peu-
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[89] Henry Pr
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[94] Ron Pernick, Clint Wilder,
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[96] Detief P. van Vuueren
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[97] Lester R. Brown,
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[98] Thomas L. Friedman,
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[99] Robert Bell,
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