Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
. Carbon dioxide capture and storage must be implemented as quickly
as possible; in particular, this is a prerequisite to themore widespread
use of coal.
Innovation has a key role to play to achieve the transformations required.
New solutions must be invented or developed. These mutations represent
a major opportunity for those with sufficient foresight to anticipate them.
Technical solutions alone will not be sufficient, however. They can only
develop efficiently in the context of suitable state policies conducted with
Since the problems facing us affect the entire planet, these policies must
be implemented through international agreement, involving as many
countries as possible. Nonetheless, the need for greater international
coordination must not give rise to a 'wait-and-see' attitude at national
level: the initiatives taken today towards new solutions can only help the
decisions and choices to be made at world level.
Lastly, it is essential to adapt our ways of life. We must also call upon
imagination and innovation to invent newmodes of habitat and mobility.
More than an evolution, we are talking about a revolution. We have an
obligation to succeed, for the planet and for our children. It demands
massive and unfailing participation from all citizens, in other words, by
every one of us.
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