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SELECT ?comp ?name WHERE {
dbr:SAP_AG foaf:name ?name .
?comp skos:prefLabel ?name .
Answers (other than dbr:SAP AG )cannotbereachedfromthestartingURI
dbr:SAP AG because the relevant documents are connected together by the
literal "SAP AG" , which cannot be traversed as a HTTP link.
Example 15
Dereferencing partial information: In the general case, the effectiveness
of LTBQE is heavily dependent on the amount of data returned by the
deref ( u ) function. In an ideal case, dereferencing a URI u would return all
triples mentioning u on the Web of Data. However, this is not always the
case; for example:
?s owl:sameAs dbr:SAP_AG .
This quite simple query cannot be answered by link-traversal techniques
since the triple “ nyt:75293219995342479362 owl:sameAs dbr:SAP AG .
is not accessible by dereferencing dbr:SAP AG or owl:sameAs .
The assumption that all RDF available on the Web of Data about a URI u
can be collected by dereferencing u is clearly idealised; hence, later in Section 6.4
we will empirically analyse how much the assumption holds in practice, giving
insights into the potential recall of LTBQE on an infrastructural level.
6.3 LiDaQ: Extending LTBQE with Reasoning
Partly addressing some of the shortcomings of the LTBQE approach in terms of
completeness (or, perhaps more fittingly, recall ), Hartig et al. [33] proposed an
extension of the set of query relevant sources to consider rdfs:seeAlso links,
which sometimes overcomes the issue of URIs not being dereferenceable (as per
nytimes:nytd org in our example).
On top of this extension, we previously proposed a system called “LiDaQ”
that extends the baseline LTBQE approach with components that leverage
lightweight RDFS and owl:sameAs reasoning in order to improve recall. Formal
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