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Query 4
WHERE { { ?X a foaf:Agent } UNION
{ ?X a foaf:Person } UNION
{ ?X a foaf:Organization } UNION
{ ?X foaf:made ?Y } }
With this small example, we have shown that the rewriting technique for
OWL 2 QL can be partially applied to SPARQL queries. However, note that
OWL 2 QL (and likewise the respective query rewriting algorithms from the
DL literature) omit important OWL features for Linked Data (discussed later
in Section 4), such as inferences from owl:sameAs , where rule-based inference
as mentioned in the following section might be more suitable.
Rule-Based Reasoning. As an alternative to query rewriting based on the
OWL 2 QL profile, another fragment of OWL - OWL 2 RL [25, Section 4] -
has a normative set of rules called OWL 2 RL/RDF, which encode a subset of
the semantics of RDFS and OWL 2 and can be directly used for (Datalog-style)
reasoning (see also the informal RDFS entailment rules in [35, Section 7], which
were later extended by OWL features in [65,53]).
Some sample OWL 2 RL/RDF rules are given in Table 3 implementing the
basic features of RDFS and additionally supporting the semantics of equality
for owl:sameAs missed by OWL 2 QL. A more detailed discussion on which
OWL features (and respective rules encoding these) are particularly relevant for
Linked Data Reasoning will be discussed in Section 4.
Tabl e 3. Core RDFS and owl:sameAs rules
prp-spo1 (? s, ? p 2 , ? o )
(? p 1 , rdfs:subPropertyOf , ? p 2 ) , (? s, ? p 1 , ? o )
prp-dom (? p, rdf:type , ? c )
(? p, rdfs:domain , ? c ) , (? s, ? p, ? o )
prp-rng (? o, rdf:type , ? c )
(? p, rdfs:range , ? c ) , (? s, ? p, ? o )
cax-sco (? s, rdf:type , ? c 2 )
(? c 1 , rdfs:subClassOf , ? c 2 ) , (? s, rdf:type , ? c 1 )
eq-sym (? y, owl:sameAs , ? x )
(? x, owl:sameAs , ? y )
eq-trans (? x, owl:sameAs , ? z )
(? x, owl:sameAs , ? y ) , (? y, owl:sameAs , ? z )
eq-rep-s (? s , ? p, ? o )
(? s, owl:sameAs , ? s ) , (? s, ? p, ? o )
eq-rep-p (? s, ? p , ? o )
(? p, owl:sameAs , ? p ) , (? s, ? p, ? o )
eq-rep-o (? s, ? p, ? o )
(? o, owl:sameAs , ? o ) , (? s, ? p, ? o )
As opposed to query-rewriting (top-down evaluation), OWL 2 RL/RDF rules
can also be applied in a bottom-up fashion for the purposes of a priori materiali-
sation : given a linked dataset Γ and a set of such inference rules R , pre-compute
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