Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Thus, according to this theorem, it would not be possible to obtain
independent random variables from a linear mixture of non-Gaussian
sources. Consequently, if we consider that the coefficients a i and b i are the
parameters of the overall input-output mapping WA , it is clear that the esti-
mate will only be independent, assuming that none of them has a Gaussian
distribution, if the sources are no longer mixed.
Therefore, source separation can be achieved via ICA, which can be
formally defined as follows.
T con-
DEFINITION 6.1 (ICA) The ICA of a random vector x
x 1 x 2 ...
x M ]
sists of determining a matrix W such that the elements of y
Wx be as
statistically independent as possible, in the sense of optimizing a cost func-
tion that expresses, direct or indirectly, the notion of independence between
Therefore, source recovery relies on two important concepts: those of sta-
tistical independence and of non-Gaussianity. Nonetheless, it is important to
note that the solution found using ICA will recover the sources up to scale
and permutation ambiguities. That is because if a vector s is composed of
independent random variables, so will be a vector that is just a permutation
of s , or even a scaled version thereof. In other words,
will also present independent components,
is a diagonal matrix
P is a permutation matrix, will also present independent components
Hence, the conditions under which the sources can be recovered using
ICA may be summarized in the following theorem [74].
THEOREM 6.2 (Separability)
The system presented in (6.3) is separable by ICA, i.e., it is possible to obtain
W such that y
Wx correspond to the sources up to scale and permutation
ambiguities, if and only if the mixing matrix A is full rank and there is, at
most, one Gaussian source.
The first condition regarding the rank of A is self-evident, since we are
looking for a separating matrix that should, in some sense, invert the mixing
In the context of source separation, the cost function is also termed a contrast function [74].
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