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Figure 13 . 4
Knowledge sharing in Cortina
In a similar way:
( CT ji * WC i )
CT ji * WC i )
CR j 5 a
i 51
CR j
network size
CR j = competence-based reputation of node ' j ' (where 0 < RR j < 1)
CT ji = ef ective competence-based trust relation of node ' j ' with node ' i ' (1 = activated;
0 = not activated)
WC i = node's weight in terms of competence-based trust centrality (where 0 < WC i <
The dataset was processed in two ways: i rst, three separate statistical analyses, one for
each local network - Bormio, Cortina d'Ampezzo and Pila - were worked out; second,
the entire dataset - as an aggregate of all data - was processed. Table 13.2 shows the
statistical results of correlation analysis between relational reputation and centrality of a
single actor inside the network. 5 The relational density value can be presented only in the
case of the three ef ective networks, while it is a meaningless indicator for the analysis of
the entire dataset.
These i ndings seem to coni rm the following hypothesis:
There is a positive correlation between the degree of relational reputation and
degree of centrality of a single actor inside the network .
The correlation between relational reputation and centrality for the entire dataset is
quite signii cant (0.4116) and its control test coni rms this result ( p - value <0.0001). 6 It
means that network-specii c resources inl uence i rm variety in terms of social dynam-
ics. Figure 13.5 shows the QQ plot related to this result and highlights a positive trend
especially in the central part of the graph.
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