Agriculture Reference
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Nitrogen maintenance requirement ( NMR )
and maximum of theoretical potential
for nitrogen deposition ( ND max T )
Where LAAI is the daily intake of the limit-
ing amino acid (mg/BW k 0.67 ) needed for the
intended response level ( NR ); and bc - 1 is the
linear slope resulting from the regression of
the concentration of the LAA ( c   = g amino
acid/ 100 g CP) in the feed protein on protein
quality b . The bc - 1 considered was in the
linear range, where in each trial an amino
acid was limiting. The conversion factor for
NI based on the amino acid is given by the
equation NI = 16 LAAI / c .
NMR (mg/BW k 0.67 /day) was estimated by fit-
ting an exponential function of NI and NEX
( NEX = NMR ·e b·NI ). NMR is the result of an ex-
trapolation when the NI is equal to zero; e is
the basic number of the natural logarithm;
and b is the equation parameter that repre-
sents the slope of the exponential function. Ni-
trogen retention ( NR , mg/BW k 0.67 /day) is the
sum of ND and NMR , and the theoretical max-
imum for daily nitrogen retention ( NR max T ,
mg/BW k 0.67 /day) is the threshold value of the
exponential function between NI and ND , i.e.:
NR = NR max T × ( 1  - e - b × NI )
Amino acid requirements
NR max T is the theoretical maximum or poten-
tial for nitrogen retention. In practice, it is
impossible for the birds to achieve this theor-
etical threshold. Consequently, graded pro-
portions of the potential (e.g. 40%, 50% and
60% of ND max T ) were used to calculate the
Lys, Met and Thr requirements for pullets.
ND = NR max T ×  ( 1  - e - b × NI ) - NMR
Data obtained from the four trials were used
to determine NMR, NR max T , and ND max T , the
latter being calculated as the difference be-
tween NR max T and NMR . PD max T was calcu-
lated as ND max T × 6.25.
Because these parameters express the
theoretical potential for protein deposition
of the genotype studied, data from the four
trials were combined for further analysis.
Statistical analysis
The Gauss method of the NLIN procedure in
SAS software (version 9.2) was used to esti-
mate the parameter values in the above
equations. This method considers the sum
of the least squares of the distances between
the model and each point.
Amino acid efficiency
The efficiencies of utilization of the test
amino acids ( bc -1 ) were calculated using
data from T2, T3 and T4, which involved
individual limiting amino acids according
to the following equation:
b = [ln NR max T - ln ( NR max T - NR )]/ NI
Where b is the slope of the exponential func-
tion resulting from graded amino acid or pro-
tein supply and indicates the dietary protein
quality independent of NI .
The amino acid intake needed for a
given NR is determined using the following
equation, as derived by transformation of
the basic function, with NI being replaced
by intake of the LAA :
Nitrogen balance
We studied chickens of the Dekalb White
strain throughout the same growth periods
in each of the trials. Therefore, the results
for all of the nitrogen balance periods within
equal age periods are summarized in Table 20.3 .
As the content of the limiting nutrient
increased, the values for the NI , NEX and
nitrogen balance ( ND ) also increased. Birds
fed L1 had lower feed intake and body
weight compared to those fed diets with
higher protein contents, and the values of
these variables were almost constant for the
latter birds.
LAAI = [ln NR max T - ln
( NR max T - NR )]/ 16 · bc - 1
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