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The differences presented for the growth
patterns of body and feather protein imply
variations in the pattern of protein deposition
in the body of the bird during growth, espe-
cially during the post-hatching phase when
feathering rate is strictly positive (Emmans,
1989). Feathers have an amino acid compos-
ition that varies from that of body protein,
and these differences affect the amino acid
requirements of the bird. Therefore, it is
necessary to calculate the requirements of the
feathers separately from those of the body
(Emmans and Fisher, 1986; Emmans, 1989,
1997). Furthermore, a coherent model should
assess the maintenance and growth of the
body and feathers separately (Emmans, 1989).
The growth patterns described in this work
can be combined with other nutritional con-
stants to calculate the nutritional and feed
intake requirements of broilers and laying
pullets (Emmans and Fisher, 1986; Emmans,
1989, 1997).
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