Agriculture Reference
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Table 12.2. Performance of pigs fed according to either a three-phase (3P) or a daily-phase feeding
programme, the latter providing 110% (MPI110), 100% (MPI100), 90% (MPI90) or 80% (MPI80) of the
estimated lysine requirements of individual pigs (trial AIPF II) 1 .
P value 2
ADG, 3 kg/day
1.05 a
1.05 a
1.03 a
1.00 ab
0.93 b
FCR, kg/kg
APD, g/day
167 a
167 a
166 a
158 ab
148 b
Final BW, kg
119 a
119 a
116 ab
115 ab
108 b
1 LS means obtained from a repeated measures analysis; ADFI: average daily feed intake; ADG: average daily gain; FCR:
feed conversion ratio; APD: average daily protein deposition; BW: body weight.
2 Effects of treatment, period, sex and interactions were considered in the analysis. Period was significant ( P < 0.01) for all
variables. Sex was significant for ADFI ( P < 0.01), APD ( P < 0.05) and BW ( P < 0.01). Interaction period × treatment was
significant for BW ( P < 0.01). Interaction period × sex was significant for ADFI and BW ( P < 0.01). Interactions treatment × sex
and treatment × sex × period were not significant for all variables.
3 Means within lines followed by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
a and b indicate significant statistical differences among means within rows.
from the rest of the phase because Lys con-
centration was estimated during the first
3  days of the feeding phase. Nonetheless,
moving from 3P group-feeding to individ-
ual precision feeding (MPI) allowed the
reduction of the average SID Lys concen-
tration in diets by 31% in the first phase,
by 29% in the second phase and by 20% in
the third phase. Similar results were ob-
tained in AIPF II (results not shown). The
MPG pigs consumed on average 10% less
crude protein ( P < 0.05) and 17% less SID
Lys ( P < 0.05, Table 12.3 ) than the 3P pigs.
Likewise, the use of the MPI feeding pro-
gramme allowed the reduction of the in-
take of crude protein by 16% ( P < 0.05) and
SID Lys by 27% ( P < 0.05) in relation to the
3P feeding programme. Overall, the amount
of SID Lys consumed per unit of retained
protein was reduced by 24% in MPI when
compared to 3P pigs, which is in agreement
with values estimated earlier by simulation
(Pomar et al ., 2010).
Average nitrogen retention was not af-
fected by feeding treatments applied in
the first validation trial, indicating that in all
cases pigs were fed to or near requirements.
Similar results were obtained for treatments
3P, MPI110, MPI100 and MPI90 of the se-
cond validation trial (results not shown).
However, in relation to 3P pigs, the estimated
excretion of nitrogen was reduced ( P < 0.05)
by 12% in MPG and by 22% in MPI pigs.
This reduction is lower than the 39% esti-
mated by Pomar et  al . (2010) because pigs
were fed in these animal trials according to
Lys requirements and the Lys/crude protein
ratio was lower in diet B than in diet A.
In relation to the 3P conventional sys-
tem, feeding pigs with daily individual
tailored diets allowed the reduction of
( P  < 0.05) total feed cost by $6.9/pig (-8%)
in the first validation trial and by $7.6/pig
(-10%) in the second one. Likewise, in AIPF I,
feed cost per kilogramme of BW gain was
$0.92, $0.90 and $0.85 in pigs fed according
to 3P, MPG or MPI feeding programmes,
respectively. Precision feeding allows the
reduction of the excess of the most econom-
ically detrimental nutrients/ingredients. The
estimated intake of soybean meal (results
not shown), one of the most expensive in-
gredients in the current study, was reduced
by 25% in the MPG group and by 43% in
the MPI group in relation to 3P treatment. In
addition, feeding pigs with just two pre-
mixes may also be a promising option for
industries, because it means only two ra-
tions to be prepared, transported and stored.
In this context, greater economic benefits
could be expected if a global scenario (in-
cluding other costs than just ingredients)
were to be considered in the economic
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