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Figure 18.3: The upper line shows a high correlation of over 96% between two data
sources. The lower line shows low correlation—less than 60%.
When changes in a core driver correlate well with changes in usage of a primary re-
source, you can derive an equation of the form y = a + bx , which describes the relationship
betweenthetwo,knownasthe regression line .Thisequationenablesyoutocalculateyour
primary resource requirements based oncore driver measurements. Inother words,given a
value for your core driver x , you can calculate how much of your primary resource y you
think you will need, with a confidence of R 2 . To calculate a and b , first calculate the mov-
ing average of the last n data points for x and y , giving and . Then:
Correlation between metrics changes over time, and should therefore be graphed and
tracked with a rolling correlation analysis, rather than assessed once and assumed to be
constant. Changes in the service can have a significant impact on correlation. Changes in
the end-user demographic are usually slower, but can also affect correlation by changing
how the average customer uses the service.
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