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Now, we need a script that can find these locations. It will be based on our earlier
scripts and will contain three methods: one to find a target, one to move to a target,
and another to hang around.
You can find the completed script at Disk | Scripts | React AI | LookBusy.cs . To
get the tags to show up as a dropdown, we've also provided a custom editor, which
is also available at Disk | Scripts | React AI | TagOption.cs . You will need to put
this under Assets/Editor for it to work in Unity. TagOptions is a script that does
nothing more than give a drop-down selector for the tag to be used. LookBusy uses
the selected tag to find objects that are targets in the game.
Here are a couple of the methods inside the script. These are easy to reproduce or
modify on your own:
GameObject[] targets =
// If there are not at least two targets to
choose from return an error
if(targets.Length < 2)
--> There are less than 2 targets with the tag,
'" + this.SelectedTag + "'. This script wants
more positions.");
yield return NodeResult.Failure;
yield break;
// From the targets randomly select one and if
it is closer than our minimum distance return
it, otherwise keep trying a constant number of
times before failing
int attempts = 0;
this.transform.position) < this.MinimumDistance)
this.Destination = targets[Random.Range(0,
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