Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Another setting in the scene that can cause problems is the Tun-
nelSoundTrigger Sound Toggler script. As it isn't important to use, select the
TunneISoundTrigger script and remove that component to avoid errors later.
Using Unity's built-in NavMesh system
The next thing we need for our car demo is a navigation mesh. Smart Car uses Un-
ity's built-in system. Unity's system is similar to RAIN's but we haven't used it much
yet as unlike other plugins, Unity does not have a built-in behavior tree system. For-
tunately, we don't need behavior trees for our car demos, so navigate to Window |
Navigation .
This brings up the Navigation tab with three subtabs to help configure the NavMesh:
Object : This helps you filter what objects in the scene are part of the nav-
igation mesh. Any objects that are tagged with Navigation Static will be in-
cluded in the mesh as a walkable area.
Bake : This has options to bake the mesh. The two most important options
are Radius and Height , which are dimensions for the character to navigate
on the mesh.
Layers : This allows you to customize the placement of different navigation
meshes on different layers.
For our demo, we want only the roads to be navigable. Select the other building and
miscellaneous objects in the scene and set their static property (which is to the right
of their name in Inspector ) to not have Navigation Static set. Then, for the differ-
ent road objects, such as Road_Coll , Road_Coll01 , and so on, make sure that they
have Navigation Static checked. Then, go back to the Navigation tab and click on
Bake . If you have everything set correctly after you bake, you should see the navig-
ation mesh in the same area as the road:
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