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null || playerAttack != null . Then, add a selector node under the constraint node
that will handle the attack and chase logic. The multiple visual sensors behavior tree
should look like the following screenshot:
Remember the selector node will continue to run its children until one succeeds, so
first we will check for attack. If playerAttack has a value (that is, it is not null), we
will set isAttacking to true, and if not, set it to false. Add a constraint node under
the selector that checks for attacks and set its constraint to playerAttack != null . As
the playerAttack variable is not null, add an expression node to start attacking
with an expression value of isAttacking , which is equal to true.
Then, if playerAttack is null, we want the attack to stop, so add another expres-
sion with isAttacking , which is equal to false. The attack setup on our enemy be-
havior tree should look like the following screenshot:
If you run the demo now, when the player gets sensed by AttackSensor , the en-
emy will start attacking and stop when the player is out of range.
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