Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Face Before Move Angle : This specifies how much of an angle the charac-
ter needs to be facing its target before moving. This prevents weird move-
ments with very close targets.
Step Up Height : This specifies how much the character can step up; this is
used to customize behavior for things such as steep terrain and staircases.
We will discuss step up heights more in Chapter 11 , Advanced NavMesh
Generation .
We use the motor system from a Custom Action option in our demo, but you can
use motors to move the character from any component.
Here's a little snippet that shows how to move from a standard Unity character script:
AIRigaiRig = GetComponentInChildren<AIRig>();
aiRig.AI.Motor.MoveTarget.VectorTarget =
First,weget AIRig attachedtothecharacter.Then,wecall UpdateMotionTrans-
forms() to make sure that the AI system has the latest transforms (position and ro-
tation) from the character before updating. Next, we set VectorTarget to a Vect-
or3 variable as targetPosition , so the AI system knows where we want to go.
Then, we call Move() to update the character's transforms in the AI system, and fi-
nally, we call ApplyMotionTransforms() to update our game to show the new
transforms from the AI system. Using these methods, we can update game charac-
ters at any time.
The best way to see how this works is to look at a demo. The demo that we will
look at in this chapter is an extension of the ship demo from Chapter 6 , Sensors and
Activities . We will have a ship in a level searching for gold pieces, but we'll extend
it to make the gold pieces appear more random and dynamic in the level over time.
Then, we will have a bomb with a timer and when it goes off all of ships will be des-
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