Game Development Reference
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We now have an entity with a visual aspect. Create a Prefab tab for this Gold object
and then add it to the opposite side of the wall as the ship. The scene should look
like the following screenshot:
A sensor demo with gold
Setting up a visual sensor in RAIN
We have the gold aspect; next we need a visual sensor. Select Ship AI , click on
the eye icon for the sensors tab, and from the Add Sensor dropdown, select Visu-
al Sensor . Go to the Advanced Settings (selecting the gear icon) icon and adjust
the horizontal and vertical angles as well as the range until the sensor can see a bit
in front of the ship. Typically, you will make these very large so that the character
can see most of the level. For this demo, the sensor values are 120 for Horizontal
Angle , 45 for Vertical Angle , and 15 for Range . Also, check the Require Line of
Sight option so that the ship can't see gold through the wall. The setup should look
like the following screenshot:
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