Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Mount Point : This is the game object the sensor is attached to.
Horizontal Angle / Vertical Angle / Range : These three define the volume
of the sense; nothing outside of it will be picked up. The visualization of the
sense matches these dimensions. You will want to customize these settings
for different characters in your game. Unexpected behavior can occur from
setting these up incorrectly.
Require Line of Sight : This flag requires a line from the character to the as-
pect without intersecting other objects for the aspect to be seen. Without this
flag, a character could appear to have X-Ray vision.
Can Detect Self / Line of Sight Ignores Self :Theseflagifthesensorshould
ignore the AI character. This is important as it prevents a common problem.
For example, we can have several soldier characters with a soldier aspect
and then add a soldier from a different team that attacks the other soldiers.
However, the attacking soldier when sensing might pick up its own aspect
and try to start attacking itself, and this is definitely not what we want.
Line of Sight Mask : To further help control what can be seen, layer masks
can be used. These work the same as Unity's ray casting masks.
Advanced audio sensor settings
The properties for the audio sensor is similar to that of the visual sensor, except it
doesn't have any line of sight properties and the volume of the sense is a radius and
doesn't have vertical or horizontal angle limits. The important properties are:
Range : This specifies how far the sensor can detect
Volume Threshold : When listening for aspects, this is the lowest volume
that the sensor can hear
Now that we understand all of our sensor options, let's start the demo.
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